Engineering Smarter, Safer, and Sustainable Transportation Solutions.
Traffic Impact Analysis
A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) evaluates how a proposed development will affect local traffic. It includes analyzing current traffic, predicting future volumes, identifying congestion or safety issues, and recommending solutions.
Safety Analysis
Studies of various traffic safety conditions to analyze a subject site before it is approved for construction.
Trip Generation Assessment
Trip Generation is used to determine the magnitude of a projects impacts on the surrounding street system.
Village at Maple Valley
City of Maple Valley in King County, Washington – a mixed use-development comprising over 30,000 square feet of commercial and 200 residential dwelling units.
Champions Centre
City of Dupont in Pierce County, Washington – 25,000 square foot church and 3,000 commercial space.
Canyon Point Industrial
Unincorporated Pierce County, Washington – Traffic Impact Analysis for ~600,000 square feet of industrial development which included a queuing analysis and intersection modeling.
The Gorge at George
Grant County, Washington – A circulation and signage plan was drawn up to help concert goers find their way in and out of the venue. Report updated reflecting enhanced services provided at venue.