Engineering Smarter, Safer, and Sustainable Transportation Solutions.

  • Traffic Impact Analysis

    A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) evaluates how a proposed development will affect local traffic. It includes analyzing current traffic, predicting future volumes, identifying congestion or safety issues, and recommending solutions.

  • Safety Analysis

    Studies of various traffic safety conditions to analyze a subject site before it is approved for construction.

  • Trip Generation Assessment

    Trip Generation is used to determine the magnitude of a projects impacts on the surrounding street system.

  • Village at Maple Valley

    City of Maple Valley in King County, Washington – a mixed use-development comprising over 30,000 square feet of commercial and 200 residential dwelling units.

  • Champions Centre

    Champions Centre

    City of Dupont in Pierce County, Washington – 25,000 square foot church and 3,000 commercial space.

  • Canyon Point Industrial

    Unincorporated Pierce County, Washington – Traffic Impact Analysis for ~600,000 square feet of industrial development which included a queuing analysis and intersection modeling.

  • The Gorge at George

    Grant County, Washington – A circulation and signage plan was drawn up to help concert goers find their way in and out of the venue. Report updated reflecting enhanced services provided at venue.